Wednesday, January 17, 2018

So, What Does 2018 Hold?

I'm excited to find out, because in all honesty, I have no idea what I'm going to paint next! Plans are to visit Europe (Scotland, England and the Netherlands) in the fall... I also still have a lot of fallen trees to cut-and-clear still from the 2017 hurricane season, and so you see why I'm "so looking forward" to "other" things!

Art festivals and shows I've been accepted to for 2018:

Hope to see you at one of these events!

In the meantime, it's been suggested, painting-wise, that I do a few new things: (1) Loosen-up on my realistic style, and, (2) Umm, maybe another subject other than your lovely partner? And, (3) work smaller at a more cash-and-carry scale for art shows.

My most recent paintings of 2018 might justify that second suggestion... Both were from some recent snapshots of my lovely wife's profile; each ever-so-slightly different, but vastly different in application. Here they are.

Salvia & Peony
30x24 oil on canvas

Three Eggs
24x24 oil on canvas